memory blackout造句
- A person consuming a dangerous amount of alcohol persistently can develop memory blackouts and idiosyncratic intoxication or pathological drunkenness symptoms.
- Veronica researches Duncan's medication, which she finds is used to treat a form of epilepsy which can cause violent fits and memory blackouts.
- On the drive home, Richie questions his father about his actions, but Robert dismisses everything, clearly irritable and bothered about his memory blackout.
- Shopping for Fangs _ An Asian-American comedy thriller about a lesbian waitress, a young wife suffering memory blackouts and an office worker who believes he's a werewolf.
- Cust, an epileptic who had served in the war, was rendered incapable of doing many kinds of work due to a head injury which made him prone to memory blackouts and constant headaches.
- No accommodation is made for applicants like J . V ., a 57-year-old man with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, a learning disability, memory blackouts and neurological symptoms that include visible twitching.
- What he'll always live with, though, is the memory of that July evening in Colorado, the suddenness of a collision, the memory blackout that keeps him from recalling anything that happened seconds before impact.
- It's difficult to see memory blackout in a sentence. 用memory blackout造句挺难的
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